3 Nov 2015

STORY #6 : Getting Old

     Ehhmm...this morning is so melowdrama. Hehehe...I woke up early and I cried. Last Sunday, I visited my grandfather in Prancismantoro (read. Wonogiri, Central Java). My grandfather is 99 years old. Yes, He is almost a century. He is getting weak and can't move easy. He just sleeps on his bed, stares people who visit him and sometimes cries when they approach him. I payed attention to him when he taken a bath by my aunties and helped them to provide some tools for bath. How poor of him !
I remembered about 4 years ago he was very health. He could traveled in many city (Jakarta, Bekasi, Bandung, Cirebon, and Solo) for visiting his grandchild. He could walked around farm. He could found grass for his cows, etc. He still played with his grandchild, although we had to speak loud to him. Hehehe....that was fun. We could scream. And now, he could not do anything. Crying? Yes I do, but I hid from my parent. I could not looked weak in front of them. You ask why? because they were weak too after looked her parent like that. Maybe you're right that I can hold my crying when people are crying, but finally I am crying alone in the corner my room, louder. Hehehe...
        Monday, we permitted to back home, back to own activities. My mom made closer to him, said something to his ear slowly and prayed for his recovery, then cried (mom and my grandfather). My dad read some do'a for his recovery. I stared him I thought that I am really like my father. He could control his crying. He just  made calm my mom. Gentleman, right ! but I knew that he was pain too. Love you, dad. I am sorry I could not pay attention to you. Then we went into the car.

     In journey, I noticed my parents who near me, occasionally. They're getting old. I could look wrinkles in their face. They looked weaker than before I met recently, but still cheer up for their activities. That was so melowdrama for me. I aware I should make them happy as soon as possible. I should be success as soon as. Don't make them wait a long. So they can look me become someone. And I cried.
     This morning I have sad dream. I dream I could been separated from one of my parent. I am not ready. I woke up I cried. I sat I cried again. I tried to take a brush and sholat the prayed to Allah in order to make my parent's age is longggg so they can look me success, marry, have children, etc. Aamiin

This is why I am so melow and a little bit sensitive now :)

Thank you for read and don't forget to comment


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