30 Dec 2011

BIOLOGI #2 : Animal Vertebrate Systematic


This assignment is made to fulfill final assignment who
Supported by Mrs. Rina

By :
Risza Fawzia Rakhmah           A420090201



Systematic is the study of systematically arranged sequence as seen from the origin related. A study related to the systematics is taxonomy. Taxonomy is the procedure for naming living things are binominal, which include animal taxonomy Kingdom, Phyllum, Classis, the Order, Familia, Genus, and Species. In addition to taxonomy, classification is also related to systematic. Classification is the grouping of living things based on morphology, physiology, anatomy, similarities and differences, benefits, and biochemistry. Animal Vertebrate Systematic is the study of systematically that arranged sequence as seen from the origin of kinship, with the taxonomy, and classification in vertebrate animals.
Reptiles are a group of cold-blooded vertebrate animals and have scales covering its body. Reptiles are tetrapods (animals with four limbs) and spawn eggs that embryo enveloped by the amniotic membrane. Reptiles consist of four orders, namely Chelonia, Crocodilia, Rynchocephalia, and Suamata.
Aves are vertebrates that most easily recognized. Most of his body is covered in fur, but the lower legs are covered in scales like a reptile. Aves or also called this bird has a beak of horn substance. Beak shape is according to the type of food. Aves have the anterior extremity which turned into wings, which serves to fly. While the posterior extremity (legs) influence various modifications to walk, swim, or both. In ecology, the order in Aves is divided into several groups, namely: Aves who live in the land of his order, among others, is Casuariformes, Gruiformes and Galliformes. Aves that live in fresh water are Anseriformes and Ciconiiformes. Aves live on the coast, including the order Charadriiformes. Aves who live on the high seas are of the order Pelecaniformes. Aves that live in trees, among others, are Columbiformes, Psitaciformes, Cuculiformes, Coraciiformes, and Piciformes. Search Aves eat in the air, his order, among others, is Apodiformes and Caprimulgiformes. Aves singers included in the order Passeriformes. While acting as a predator Aves consists of two orders, namely Strigiformes and Falconiformes.
Mammals are tetrapods with body that covered with hair. Have a head, neck, body, extremities tools, and equipment is generally a hearing ear. Mammals are divided into 3 Subclassis, namely Prototheria, Metatheria, and Eutheria. Prototheria is a mammal that still lay eggs and has a cloaca. It does not have nipples. Sub classis has one order of Monotremata. Sub classis Metatheria is included in these types of marsupials, and has the order marsupials. Sub classis Eutheria have nipples free protruding from the ventral surface of the body. Sub classis has no cloaca. There are several orders at this Sub classis, namely: Insectivora, Dermoptera, Chiroptera, Primates, Pholidota, Lagomorpha, Rodentia, Cetacea, Carnivora, Pinnipedia, Proboscidea, Sirenia, Perissodactyla, and Artiodactyla.
Several examples of species of animals from reptile, aves and mamals classis below are taken by the author, namely:
a.    Local Name                        :    Boa brazil
     Latin Name                         :    Epicrates cenchria
b.   Figure


c.    Classification
Kingdom      :         Animalia
Phylum         :         Chordata
Classis          :         Reptilia
Order            :         Squatama
Familia          :         Boidae
Genus           :         Epicrates
Spesies          :         Epicrates cenchria
d.   Description
1)   Habitat
Habitat is in the tropical rain forest, open forest and grassland.
2)   Morphology
Generally the basis of brown, gray or beige color, patterned with brown or reddish-brown "saddle" that became clearer towards the tail. It can reach lengths of 1-4 meters. Rainbow-colored (rainbow), reddish brown base color and there is a circular pattern.
3)   Behaviour
Epicrates cenchria can bask in the day when the night temperature is too low. As a semi-arboreal snake, young boa can rise to the trees and bushes for, but they become the majority of the land they become older and heavier. Boa will attack when threatened, and will bite in defense. These bites can be painful, especially from the big snake, but rarely dangerous.
4)   Reproduction
Boa reproduces by laying eggs and hatch in the stomach, the child is born 10-30.
5)   Food
It usually eat a mammalians like rats, mice, chicks and guinea pigs.
6)   Life Cycle
Rainbow boas are solitary, associating only to mate. Boas are polygynous and ovoviviparous, thus males may mate with multiple females and give birth to live young. Females invest considerable maternal energy in their offspring since their young develop within the mother's body. The young are able to develop in a thermo-regulated, protected environment and they are provided with nutrients. Young are born fully developed and independent within minutes of birth. 
7)   Biogeography of Animal
Found in lower Central America in Costa Rica and Panama. In South America it occurs east of the Andes in Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay and northern Argentina (in the provinces of Chaco, Córdoba, Corrientes, Formosa, Salta, Santiago del Estero and Tucumán). The type locality given is "Surinami."
8)   Feature of Animal
Epicrates cenchria do not have the ear and the eardrum, currently do not have privileges there are eyes and ears of sensory acuity. Their eyes are always open and covered with a thin membrane so it is easy to see the movement around him, unfortunately they could not focus their views. The new boa can see clearly at close range. Senses is a mainstay snakes are scales on their stomach, which can capture the vibrations move human or other animal. The hole is located between the eyes and mouth can serve as a snake thermo sensoric (heat sensor). This organ is called niche or Jacobson's organ. Epicrates cenchria can find out the temperature changes due to the arrival of other creatures, such as land snakes have a niche that is very sensitive.

2.        AVES
a.    Local Name                      :    Pelican
     Latin Name                      :    Pelecanus conspicillatus
b.   Figure

c.    Classification
Kingdom      :      Animalia
Phylum         :      Chordata
Classis          :      Aves
Order            :      Pelecaniformes
Familia          :      Pelecanidae
Genus           :      Pelecanus
Spesies          :      Pelecanus conspicillatus
d.   Description
1)   Habitat
Living in the waters (sea, marsh and river) and lodged in the trees.
2)   Morphology
Pelecanus conspicillatus has a bag at the bottom of the beak. Pelican is a great swimmer and has webbed feet. This bird has a long straight beak and marsupial, not a whole had feathers, wings long and tapered, flat finger number 4 (3 in front, one behind), claws sharp and straight, webbed feet walkers, and a short rounded tail. Wings and tail are partly black. Morphological differences between males and females is not clear, it was rather difficult to distinguish males with pelicans females.
3)   Behavior
Pelecanus conspicillatus catches prey with their beaks enlarging sac. Then they must drain the bag before swallowing. This takes a minute, and other small birds to steal the fish at that time.
At the time of the breeding season, pelicans have a complicated social life, a group of pelican’s males chasing one female pelicans in the air, on land or in water with each other their beaks pointing or touching each other.
4)   Reproduction
Pelecanus conspicillatus is included in oviparous that produce eggs, nesting in colonies. This process can be completed in one day. Species that nest in the trees have a simpler, manly pelicans promote themselves for females. Copulation takes place immediately after getting a couple and continues for 3 to 10 days before the egg is released. Pelican male brings nest material makers, and pelicans nest the female form of simple structure of these materials. Both parents, male and female, lay eggs above or below their feet. All the species spawned at least two eggs.
5)   Food
Pelecanus conspicillatus food usually is a fish, but they also commonly feed on amphibians, crustaceans and in some cases they also eat small birds.
6)   Life cycle
They are Australian’s largest flying bird. Adult pelicans have a bright yellow ring around each eye. Under their long bills they have a saggy throat pouch it’s used for collecting food. When it's very hot pelicans flutter their throat pouches to keep cool. They like to live in large groups. They work together to get a meal of fish or tadpoles. They drive into shallower water their dinner. And then all bills their thrust underwater at the same time to scoop up their meal. In the breeding season of the parents build a shallow nest on the ground. The female usually lays two white eggs and she and her partner take turns keeping the eggs warm. A month later the chicks hatch. They are naked and pink and their eyes are open. They rely on them their parents to bring food. Food is partly digested fish. At 3 weeks the chicks can walk. When they are 3 months old they can fly. In a year they will be as big as their parents and able to fly as beautifully as they do.
7)   Biogeography of Animal
Pelecanus conspicilatus lives in West North India, Burma, Sri Langka, and East South China. But Pelecanus conspicilatus is very much in Australia.
8)   Feature of Animal
Birds have a pouch in the bottom of the beak.  Pelicans eat fish and catch it by spooning its beak into the water there is fish.  Pelicans can able to eat the fish weighing 6 kg in a one day. Pelican glass eyes (Pelecanus conspicilatus) is a very large water birds, has a weight ranging from 4.5 to 11 kg, with a wing span of 2.75 m. These birds are usually white or mostly white. During the hatching season sulah skin color, beak, sac, throat, and the foot become more apparent. Pelicans have special features which include a large beak and a straight, fitted with hooks on the ends and a large bag. Pelicans can make a sound a groan from the throat.

3.        MAMALS
a.    Local Name                      :    Bull
     Latin Name                      :    Bos sondaicus
b.   Figure
c.    Classification
Kindom      :         Animalia
Phyllum      :         Chordata
Classis        :         Mamalia
Order          :         Artiodactyla
Familia       :         Bovidae
Genus         :         Bos
Species       :         Bos sondaicus
d.   Description
1)   Habitat
Bull lives on land like grassland.
2)   Morphology
The body is black bull both in the dorsal, ventral, and tail. There is also a brown, both light brown and dark brown. This bull has a large body size is more than 5 kg. The bull has the location of mammary glands in the pelvis.
3)   Behavior
Such as grazing, wallowing, exploring and rest always performed in sequence. If a group of bull is endangered then all group members simultaneously watch the approaching danger and do not hesitate to face bravely. In its development as an example domectication bull has cows Bali.
4)   Reproduction
Breeding season of bull is in different locations always different, in Ujung Kulon Wildlife Park breeding season in July and August. It pregnant at 270-280 days, children who were born is always child. Child becomes an adult bull after the age of 2-3 years.
5)   Food
The bulls usually eat grass, leaves and some kind of fruit.
6)   Life Cycle
Breeding of it is usually done at night. The length of the baby in the womb is a 9,5 to 10 months and the number of children per parent ranged between 1-2 tails. Bull monoestrus means including animals have a mating season in a year. The youngest female to start breeding bull is 3 years, while for the bull more than 3 years. The bull can reach the age of 21-25 years, so a female throughout her child her age can decrease as much as 21 times.
7)   Biogeography of Animal
The bulls are found in Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Borneo, Java, and Bali.
8)   Feature of Animal
Hair coat color that females always reddish brown and black adult males, both males and females have white hair color on the buttocks and lower legs. Baga and bull horns have always facing forward. The size of the body length is 108-200 cm, 130-170 cm in shoulder height with a body weight of 500-900 kg. Another feature of this fauna owned the front of the body is higher than the rear so it seems good.

I think that all of my assignment about Animal Vertebrate Systematic. If there are mistakes for my task, please commentmy its. Thanks. I hope it will helpfull for you :)


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